Teacher training workshops

Extending our commitment in the community


A comprehensive spelling programme

This workshop is intended to give you an overview of WordLab, including the theory, the pedagogy, the procedures and how the components of the resource can be used to improve spelling levels in your school.

You will see that finally there is a whole- school spelling programme that supplies everything you need. WordLab is entirely in digital format with a permanent school licence. You will also get an opportunity to work briefly with the procedures under the guidance of WordLab co-creator, Chuck Marriott.


  • provides a systematic and easily delivered programme for each level of the school, beginning at a new entrant’s first day at school and continuing to the end of year 8
  • acknowledges and teaches the early phonics skills and stretches older children’s knowledge with some challenging etymology and fascinating vocabulary lists.
  • provides simple, easily implemented weekly and daily plans.
  • has over 900 charts for teachers to use with their classes as they explore vocabulary and discover spelling patterns and word meanings and derivations.
  • Spelling brings with it a host of prejudices and opinions. There have been endless programmes and methods produced over the years, all of them aiming to improve on what has come before.
  • This is another programme, but with a very refreshing approach.
“I have worked in classes with teachers and observed them using SevenPlus with great success. I have also recommended AVAILLL and WordLab after observing these programmes achieving literacy gains… Chuck has extensive knowledge of literacy acquisition and development and assessment; keeps up to date with new research and has been a fantastic source of support and advice on new resources and new research. I have always found his recommendations very helpful.”Rosemarie Hensley, Resource Teacher for Literacy,Burnside Primary, Christchurch

We’re offering a new
way of learning

WordLab workshop webinars

Exciting news! We are taking advantage of online learning technology to make it more convenient for teachers to learn. We are now offering live webinars for the WordLab workshops. Using the conferencing tool, Zoom, teachers can receive personal training how to implement the WordLab spelling programme directly from school making it easy, convenient and most importantly, inexpensive.

Duration: 1 hour
Price: $100 (+GST)

Please contact Chuck for available times and details.