A reading intervention for older students
A student experiencing reading difficulties often finds reading a chore, possesses a negative attitude towards reading and is usually intimidated by large blocks of text. Our research revealed they also have problems decoding unknown words often as a result of limited phonological, orthographical and morphological knowledge and has a vocabulary that is much less developed than better readers. SevenPlus to our solution!
About the programme
SevenPlus is easily learned by a qualified teacher. It can also be used, following training, by a paraprofessional, who receives ongoing support from a teacher trained to use SevenPlus and who has had recent successful experiences implementing it.
SevenPlus uses a combination of direct instruction and teaching using authentic text, so that reading skills are generalised into everyday reading.
SevenPlus procedures never ask the student to read by themselves until they can read the text with complete success. Low progress readers have had enough of reading being hard and sounding hard!