Part Two Supplement (Y8)


An alternate manual for use in Years 7 and 8 which contains more recent films.

Contains 30 one-hour lessons that have been scripted for easy use and includes several new lessons to further develop literacy skills.

The manual uses the following DVDs that are based upon books:

  • Big Miracle
  • Red Dog
  • We Bought a Zoo
  • The Blind Side
  • The Life of Pi

Includes the documentary, the BBC Natural World Collection.



There are several new lessons in this manual to further develop literacy skills such as Theme-It, Key It- Recall It, and Poem Pictures.

This is an exciting and unique approach to teaching literacy skills. Students watch engaging films with the subtitle feature turned on. While they Read/Watch the films they engage in activities to develop vocabulary, fluency, comprehension and spelling.

AVAILLL has been continuously researched for six years by an independent body of researchers at the University of Canterbury with excellent results.

For more information please visit the AVAILLL page.